Security: You Can Learn It

What exactly is WordPress cloning and why is it an extremely useful tool? Most individuals think this is a shady technique for duplicating sites to garner more link traffic and love, and while that may have been accurate (and useful!) This is an entirely different endeavor.

The how to fix hacked wordpress Codex has an outline of what permissions are acceptable. Directory and file permissions can be changed through an FTP client or within the page from your hosting company.

The approach, and the one I personally recommend, is to use one of the generation and storage plugins available for your browser. Lots of people like RoboForm, but I think after a trial period, you have to pay for it. I use the free version of Lastpass, and I recommend it for those of you who use Firefox or Internet Explorer. That will generate secure passwords for you; then you use one master password to log in.

Exclude pages - This plugin adds a checkbox,"include this page in menus", which is checked by default. If you uncheck it, the page will not appear in any listings of webpages (which includes, and is ordinarily restricted to, your webpage navigation menus).

Note that you should only try this step check my reference for setups. You'll also need to change of the table names within the database, if you might like to get it done for existing installations.

Oh . And by the way, I was talking about plugins. Make sure it's a secure one when you get a new plugin. Don't install any plugin because the owner is saying on his website that plugin can allow you to do this or that. Maybe use a test blog to look at the plugin, or maybe get a software engineer to examine it carefully. This way is not a threat for your organization or you.

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